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Wanderers Bury Peak Performance at Broad Street Run

The Wissahickon Wanderers entered as a team for the first time and held off a strong team from the Peak Performance Runners at the Broad Street Run on May 2. The Wanderers posted a composite time of 3:33:48 over the 10-mile course to nip Peak Performance in 3:38:26.

The Wanderers actually came fourth in the mixed open competition with South Jersey Athletic Club stomping to victory in 3:10:27 followed by the Haddonfield Running Club in 3:13:28 and the Philadelphia Running Charities in 3:15:49.
The Wanderers team was comprised of Boston Marathon hero Matt Palombaro, Chris Moore, Susan Hurrey, Sonic Sanchirico and Randy Clever. The top two male times and top female time were taken to produce the team time.

The Wanderers times were as follows:

Matt 1:01:30
Chris 1:08:50
Randy 1:09:45
Sonic 1:12:21
Susan 1:20:32

Wanderers also sparkled in the individual competition. Barbara Gorka was superb completing the race in 1:11:21 to finish 809th overall and 111th in the womens division. Bob Alig continued to impress with a time of 1:13:17 to finish 1048th out of a field of more than 12,000 runners. Martha Lamb showed her strong Boston Marathon outing was no fluke by finishing in 1:13:32 to come in 164th in the women’s division.

Other solid performers were Rock Steady in 1:25:15; Scott Quitel in 1:26:34; Space Ghost in 1:27:36; Janet Siegel in 1:28:12; Dennis Crowne in 1:31:07; Snake Bite in 1:32:43; Megan Boyle in 1:34:57; and Leslie Turchetti in 2:10.

The Wanderers joined in with The Fairmount Running Club and Northeast Road Runners for a tailgate party after the race which was very enjoyable.

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