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Wanderers Invade New York

Although they encountered no ice and snow like their brave colleagues at the Ugly Mudder race, the Wissahickon Wanderers who traveled up to New York City for the Al Gordon Snowflake Four-Miler had no cake walk either. They had to contend with cruel winds frigid temperatures.  But not surprisingly, the Wanderer attack team persevered and posted some excellent times in this New York Road Runners Club race held on February 24.

Leading the pack was Adam Davey who cruised at a 7:07 a mile pace to finish in 28:30.  Werner Krandick was clocked in 31”35, with Carnage surprisingly not far behind in 31:48.  Scott Quitel was timed in 33:01 while our New York host Duncan Mac finished in 38:08.

In the women’s division, Petra finished in 33:09 and Lorre Eng in 39:45.

The race, which is named after legendary Wanderers’ honorary coach Al Gordon, was one loop around Central Park.  The Wanderers after the race retired to Duncan and Lorre’s apartment for the usual post race feast. The scrambled eggs, bacon and very healthy fruit platter were delicious.

Event Photos

snowflake 4 mile'r
Despite the more than 5,000 runners in the Al Gordon Snowflake 4-miler, it was impossible to lose Werner in the crowd!

The races for the Snowflake four-miler were split. The men ran at 8 am and the women at 9. Scott has just finished, while Petra gets ready for action.

Scott and Carnage”chill out” after the race.

The team suits up at Duncan and Lorre’s apartment before the race. Wanderers were on the road at 5 am to make it to the race on time. Faces were looking understandably a little groggy before the race.

Lorre waits at the finish line for the Wanderers at the men’s race.

Duncan heads for the finish line with Lorre in the pumpkin orange parka cheering him on!

Lorre, Duncan, Adam and Werner pose for team photograph at the race. Wind chill temperatures must have dropped to about zero at race time, but Adam shows his Canadian heritage with just a long sleeve shirt (the Al Gordon race shirt), no gloves and no hat. Brrrrr!

More than 5,000 runners competed in the men’s and women’s division of the Snowflake Four Miler.


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