6 More Weeks of Winter!
On a cold, blustery February 2nd, Polly Jansen and Chris
Verry got
up close and personal with the most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania,
Punxsutawney Phil. They ventured out on the nearly 5 hour trip
through wind, sleet & snow just to see weather make history once
Nearly 3,000 spectators (most of them drunk) were gathered
at Gobbler’s Knob at the crack of dawn to see a pissed-off
rodent crawl out of a big stump under blinding lights. Unfortunately,
the sedate animal apparently whispered to his handlers that we are
in for 6 more weeks of winter . . . bummer.
Polly and Chris soon discovered that there’s not much to do
in Punxsutawney (that movie is a complete lie). After a hearty
breakfast at the Elk’s Club and waiting in line for half an
hour to get into the only gift shop, they strapped on their running
shoes to take part in the annual 4-mile “Groundhog Jog.” Following
the cardboard sign, they were each given a goodie bag with a stuffed
animal groundhog, groundhog t-shirt & groundhog engraved coin,
however there were no race numbers!
This race was no small-time,
through town jaunt, however. It was 2 miles up-hill (REALLY
up-hill) to Gobbler’s Knob & 2 miles back down. Out
of 124 finishers, Chris came in 23rd in 27:27. Polly nearly
had the Elk’s Club breakfast revisit her, but managed to finish
45th in 31:48. Everyone received a Groundhog Jog finisher’s
pin at the end. Polly and Chris have determined that this experience
was a once-in-a-lifetime event (meaning, only do this once!). Really,
after you’ve seen the great Punxsutawney Phil, what more do
you need in life?!!
Photos by Polly and Chris:

A large crowd gathered before the crack of dawn...

Officials get ready.

Six more weeks of winter it is...

Registration sign

Chris and Polly pose for a photo after the race.

This ice sculpture may live for another 6 weeks.
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