Branca Reaches For The Skies
Branca's latest race was very short,
just 0.2 miles. The problem was that the race was straight
up. Mike participated
in the Empire State Building Run Up on February 3, racing
up the 86 floors and out onto the observation deck in 16:03.
Mike lamented that his time was 68 seconds slower than his
performance last year.
"Getting through the lobby door to
the stairwell was really bottle-necked," Mike
noted in his field report to Wanderers headquarters. "At that point
you really can't do too much except wait for an opening."
117 runners competed in the event and Mike
finished 64th, sixth in his age category. Next stop for Mike
is the Cystic Fibrosis Stair Climb at the Mellon Center on
February 29
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