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Wanderer Wins Primary!

Tom and Julie Adelson

Cabot Trail relay hero Tom Adelson won the Democratic primary for the State Senate in Oklahoma on July 27. Tom, who ran in the Wanderer's 2000 edition at the Cape Breton race, grabbed 52 percent of the vote to defeat Tim Gilpin, a former assistant state attorney general, for the senate seat in the 33rd district, which includes Tulsa.

According to published reports, Gilpin poured $100,000 into the campaign and aired negative ads against Tom. But the Good Guys prevailed!!
Tom now enters the championship ring against Dewey Bartlett Jr. in the general election to be held on November 2. The Republican Bartlett is the son of a former governor and senator from Oklahoma. But Tom, who is a former state secretary for health, has demonstrated a record of courage and endurance on the Cabot Trail that should allow him to emerge victorious.

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