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The Wanderers Spring Trail Series Has Concluded

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Consensus has declared it an unmitigated success. While no one would choose to throw themselves upon the ground, many did. Fortunately, none of those falls, scrapes, trips, and twists resulted in lasting injury (bruised egos notwithstanding).

The weather always seemed to hold out for us (who among us doesn't like sweltering heat and humidity??). Attendance increased with each successive week and has continued into our weekly Thursday runs. Let us take a brief moment to extend a special warm Wanderer welcome to those who joined us for racing and elected to stay and continue to run with us!

Congrats to all those race winners: Joe, Justin, Jenn, Fred, Stuart, Christian, Barb, Polly (but really aren't we all winners). If you were a winner and don't feel properly awarded please don't hesitate to contact Leslie directly at home at any hour. Most of the time, there really were awards.

Finally in closing: where would we all be without our favorite unsung Wanderer, Ken (we need to get him outfitted with a jersey). Despite bad hair, sweat, foul odor (not his), and rampant canines, Ken catered to us beyond any reasonable expectation and managed to outdo himself every week. Let us remember to support Ken and the Inn with our continued business and favorable tipping. Hey, I just heard that they actually serve dinner there. Who knew? Once again, thank you to everyone who came out to join us. We hope to see each and every one of you in the Fall. Keep an eye on the website for those dates (most likely sometime early in September).

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wissahickon wanderers
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