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Wanderers Travel South For Training Camp

By the Great One

This past week three Wanderers, Sharon Lil' Bird, Megan Glamazon, and The Great One  traveled down to the British Virgin Islands for some much needed R&R.

But as is typical for this sort of vacation, there was everything but R&R going on. Megan and the Great One provided kayak taxi services (also known as kay-axi) for all people staying at the resort - not surprisingly no one took them up on their offers except for Sharon who rode on the kayak like a princess.  

There was also lots of snorkeling, boating, running (well okay, running one time), and trips to the party boat. Sharon and Megan discovered new forms of exercise: Sharon climbed trees and Megan perfected the art of high diving.

Meanwhile, The Great One continued to work on her pull ups. Oh, and there was also a Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition photo-op that all three Wanderers participated in and for a price the photos can be made available. Bidding starts at $50.

Susan prepares for upcoming fitness test while vacationing in Virgin Gorda.

Sharon displays great tree climbing skills.  This exercise
not recommended for those with Plantar Fasciatis.


Vacation is over, ladies.  Get back to work!!


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