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2007 Bald Eagle Mountain Megatransect

Report by Doug Dubrosky

Bob Dubrowsky's Race Report  |  Brian McKenna's Report  |  Event Photos

On October 27, 2007 eight Wanderers completed the challenging Bald Eagle Mountain Megatransect in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Susan Hurrey, Sharon Tasman, Megan Boyle, Maureen Mignogna, Dennis Crowne, Brian McKenna, Bob Reynolds, and Doug Dubrosky completed the 24.9 mile endurance trail run in central Pennsylvania.

The course went up and over Bald Eagle Mountain a number of times with a total elevation gain over 5,000 feet. Trail master Bob Reynolds came up with an amazing 2nd place finish overall in an unbelievable 4:14 proudly sporting his Wanderers singlet. Dubrosky hung on to grab a respectable 25th place. All Wanderers proudly finished without injury which borders on miraculous. Simply finishing a race of this magnitude is an extreme achievement!

Megatransect surpassed all expectations. It was extremely well organized. Race bags included Merino wool Woolrich socks, gels and electrolyte pills, and a very practical long sleeve Asics wicking shirt. Timing was done by chip, which at first seemed silly for a trail race, but it allowed for recording of a mid-race split and made real time results recording possible at the event. Having the split recorded makes it easy to review the results to see which competitors you passed in the second half of the race (and who passed you).

Wanderers were blessed with perfect weather; cool and clear. Free beer and food at the day-before registration and breakfast before the race - awesome. They even had double cappuccino gels alongside the coffee during the pre race breakfast. The food tables on course were very well stocked with all kinds of snacks: candy, peanuts, chocolate covered raisins, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Some folks even camped out for free the evening beforehand right near the starting line.

The trails were extremely well marked and led through varied terrain with spectacular views. The course also had long stretches along creeks and ridgelines. The level of support on this race was unequalled. They must have had more than a dozen rescue workers on ATVs waiting at various places in the woods to provide emergency support. All these folks were in constant communication with this huge incident management trailer at the finish line. Although Camelbacks were seen in abundance, it was possible to carry one hand held water container, filling it at each water stop, and never run empty for long. Free gels were being handed out frequently. There wasn't much mud and all of the creek crossings could be done without getting feet wet.

People were incredibly friendly and it was easy to maintain a conservative pace by chatting with others. During the climbs there was no extra breath for discussion. Truth be told, all Wanderers, with the exception of Bob trail-master Reynolds, resorted to power-hiking the 5 brutal hills which were simply not runnable due to steepness and/or rock fields. The downhills provided opportunity to make up time. This course had some of the steepest and longest downhill running seen in these parts. Think ski slopes. The BBQ dinner after the race was excellent and if proper training is undertaken I do believe that an obtainable goal for next year would be to finish Megatransect AND drink back the race registration fee in cold Troegs beer at the after party.

2 Robert Reynolds 4:14:03 10:10
25 Douglas Dubrosky 5:11:14 12:27
171 Brian McKenna 7:41:37 18:28
257 Susan Hurrey 8:55:31 21:25
260 Sharon Tasman 8:56:10 21:27
261 Megan Boyle 8:56:10 21:27
262 Maureen Mignogna 8:56:11 21:27
295 Dennis Crowne 9:24:34 22:35
448 total finishers


Bob Dubrowsky's Race Report  |  Brian McKenna's Report  |  Event Photos



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