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Matt the Magnificent Leads Wanderers Charge at Harrisburg Marathon

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Wissahickon Wanderers are still shaking their heads in disbelief. Matt Palombaro WON the Harrisburg Marathon on November 13! This is believed to be the first victory of any kind by any Wanderer....ever! And Matt won the race convincingly, finishing in 2:40:38, almost five minutes faster than second place finisher Tom Lipsie of Indiana, Pennsylvania. Almost 500 runners competed in the 33rd Annual Harrisburg Marathon which is produced by the Harrisburg Area Road Runners Club.

This was a group Wanderer effort. All members of the Wanderers strike force including runners Matt, Babs, Chris Moore, and Leslie Turchetti, and support technicians Hard Boyle and the Great One, performed brilliantly. Here were just some of their accomplishments:

  • Chris shattered his personal best by almost 15 minutes finishing 16th overall in 3:02:23. Although he just missed his goal of a three-hour finish, he still qualified for the Boston Marathon for both 2006 and 2007.

  • Babs nailed down a 3:38:31 time to finish 140th overall and SECOND in the master's women division.

  • Leslie bagged her first marathon ever. There will be many more to come.

  • Leslie's Dad Tony Turchetti also got into the act just breaking four hours in 3:59:50 and also qualifying for the Boston Marathon in the 60+ division.

  • Hard Boyle and the Great One were superlative in support providing water and gator aid and encouragement all over the course. In the only event marring this incredible day, points were deducted from the Great One's performance for allowing one of the Wanderers magnetic signs to fall off on the Pennsylvania Turnpike while en route back to Philadelphia.

The magnitude of Matt's achievement did not sink in until after the race. There were a couple of runners in the marathon relay competition and the Wanderers support staff thought Matt was in third place. Only Leslie realized what was happening.

"I can't tell you how awestruck I was when the lead bike came around the corner.....with Matt running behind it! (of course he was barreling down mile 22 and I was just coming up to the 10 mile marker!)," Leslie remarked after the race.

News of the Wanderers' achievements was quickly transmitted back to Philadelphia in a brief field dispatch from the Great One over the internet on Sunday. "Matthew: Champion. He WON the marathon. As in the first runner in. Unbelievable.," was the message.

The Wanderers' entire team in Harrisburg had produced a performance fit for the club history books!!

2005 Harrisburg Marathon Photos

Runners at the start of the 2005 Harrisburg Marathon

Hard Boyle took a break from a busy marathon schedule this fall to provide support for the Wanderer runners in Harrisburg.

Matt displays impeccable marathoning form.

Chris makes it all look easy out on the course.

Barabara exibited great form throughout the race.

Leslie's father Tony as he crossed the finish line.

The Harrisburg marathon was a textbook performance by the Wanderers. Super support from Hard Boyle, above, and Susan. And super performance by Leslie out on the road.

Support technicians Hard Boyle and the Great One did a magnfiicent job all morning in support of the runners.

Leslie is still smiling in the latter stage of the race.

It's official. Matt is the greatest. He picks up first place award from race officials.

Wanderers were kept very busy at the awards ceremony. Here Babs picks up second place award in the master's division. Outstanding!

Leslie can't believe it. The finish line!

Leslie did it! Just across the finish line, she savors the completion of her first marathon.

Welcome to the winner's circle!! Matt, Leslie, Chris and Babs show off their prizes.

Official team portrait of the Wanderers' strike force in Harrisburg.

Wanderers celebrate after the race.

The Great One has a dog named Daisy. Looks like Daisy could use a little road work, Susan!

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