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Wanderers Prevail at Boston Marathon

by Karen Tani

My quads are still killing me! I can barely walk down stairs. It was definitely a tough race for me, mentally and physically, but now I understand why everyone says Boston is such a great experience.

The crowds were terrific, and I felt inspired by the other runners who braved the cold, wind, and rain. I didn't finish in my goal time, but I was proud to have finished period!

The low point for me was probably the hour before we started, when we were outside, exposed to the elements, waiting to get into our corrals.

The highlights were giving high gives to all the kids on the sidelines, running through Wellesley (the crowd there was really loud!), making it up heartbreak hill, and running past the Citgo sign at the end of the race.

Photos and Personal race-Reports:

2007 Race Reports and Phtotos:

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