01 Rock, Piper, Turbo, Snake and Trouble go over ground rules prior to start of Re-Run for Revolution…or was this after the race?
02 The Piper came prepared for the start of the Re-Run For Revolution.
03 The crew checks out the course prior to the run.
04 The Piper played taps prior to the race.
05 Piper, Ultrawoman and Trouble do a little kibitzing at an early water stop.
06 Piper and Turbo hammer out a steady pace in the early going.
07 Turbo tries some of the secret jerkey at a water stop.
08 Trouble starts to pull away from the peleton in the final stages of the marathon.
09 Trouble hits the finish line. She was really stompin!
10 Ultrawoman and Snake Bite can’t believe they have survived the half marathon.
11 Piper and Rock acknowledge fan applause at finish line.
12 Rock, Snake, Ultra and Piper already hard at work planning the run for Counter Revolution in October.