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March 2001     

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Newman Examined by Celebrity Doc
Battling leg problems all summer, Simon Newman was examined by renowned doctor Stephen Nicholas, orthopaedist to the stars. Dr. Nicholas, who lists among his patients Lady Margaret Thatcher and the New York Jets football team, gave Simon a thorough examination in September. His diagnosis was a strained tendon and a muscle tear and ordered Simon on complete rest for several months. Simon is expected to be in form for the summer 2001 running season.

Coach Al Gordon gives advice to Sally and Packy Gordon over training meal during Bermuda Marathon weekend in January. Sally followed up the Philadelphia Marathon with another strong performance in the Bermuda Marathon.

Technovan Sets Speed Mark
The Wanderers technovan silenced critics when it accelerated from zero to a snappy 52 miles per hour in a matter of seconds during a road test in early December. The performance rebutted complaints that the vehicle was so laden with technology and food processing equipment that its speed and handling had been compromised.

Unfortunately, the clocking was registered on a police speed gun and in a 25-mile per hour speed zone. Driver Dan Gordon blamed the $125 fine on the faulty CB system.

“If only someone knew how to use the CB, we might have known that Smokey was out there, and have performed the road test someplace else,” he told the judge in his unsuccessful bid for clemency.

Hines Wins Inaugural Wanderer Run
Paul Hines of Andorra, Pa., won the inaugural Roxborough 5-k running race on November 12. The race was sponsored and organized by the Wissahickon Wanderers. Hines, the 46-year-old track and cross-country coach at Chestnut Hill Academy, ran the hilly course in 18:09 minutes.

The top women’s finisher was 17-year-old Carmen Winant, a standout runner for Germantown Friends School. Winant ran the course in 20:11, and was the fifth finisher overall.

Jeff McCann, 27, coach of the Germantown Friends School track team, finished second in the race in 19:07, 20 seconds ahead of third place finisher 15-year-old Michael Syrnick.

Jan DeRuiter was the top Wanderers finisher. Also running for the Wanderers in the race were Oona Walsh, Leo Hesser, Sally Gordon, and Packy Gordon.

The 5-k run started at Westerman Field behind Roxborough High school, and the course wended its way along the Wissahickon Creek on Forbidden Drive and then back to Westerman Field.

The event was a fundraiser for the renovations of the track at Roxborough High School which are nearing completion. About 50 persons ran and walked in the event, which was organized by Lindsay Claps and Dan Gordon of the Wanderers.

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