Times best-selling author Chris McDougall talked about his book Born to Run and the benefits of running barefoot at the first Wanderers Speakers’ Night on August 27.
About 50 Wanderers and friends listened to the talk (following the Thursday night trail run) while sipping beers and wine at Valley Green Inn.
Chris, who lives in nearby Lancaster, has done it all. He is a former Associated Press war correspondent and current contributor to various magazines such as Mens Health. But more importantly he is an ultra distance runner. In his book, Born to Run (Amazon link »), McDougall talks about the benefits of running barefoot. Suffering from chronically sore feet, McDougall was told by his doctors to stop running. Instead, he began running barefoot or with five-toed running moccasins produced by Vibram. He started running faster and pain-free.
The talk was extremely timely because three days later, the New York Times ran a story in its Sunday business section about the growth in thin-soled and five-toed footwear, and the increasing nervousness of the big footwear companies like Nike. McDougall was quoted extensively in the Times article.
The benefits of the five-toed shoes have been promoted by the Wanderer’s own Road Kill who wears the five-toed shoes downtown and even for business occasions.
Chris, who recently appeared on the Daily Show, brought a number of his books to the Wanderers event and autographed many copies. The talk was arranged by Bob Reynolds. |