(Photos and results below)

The September 24  race wrapped up a successful trail race season…no injuries, no runners lost in the Wissahickon, no downpours or thunderstorms.   Louis Secreto and Alex Ochman split the spoils each winning two of the races in September.

Special recognition also goes to eight-year-old Seth Dubrosky who finished three of the races and was the youngest runner ever to compete in the series since it was started six or seven years ago.  There were a number of new faces at the trail series, and we hope to see much more of them.

Doug Dubrosky and Alex Ochman designed the last two races.

Here is Doug’s field report:

Results from 9/24 race (course ~4 miles set up by Doug Dubrosky). Approximate times and finishing order…

1 Alex 29:02 14 Mike Kulakowski 35:35
2 Louis Secreto 29:33 15 Jan Deruiter 38:02
3 Pete Michener 30:02 16 Fred Kenney 39:58
4 Mark 31:00 17 Rachel Napolitano 41:27 (from Cleveland here on vacation discovered the race on the internet)
5 Chris Wedbrot 32:01
6 Noah Shusterman 32:04 18 Corbin Evans 41:27
7 Chris Verry 32:27 19 Seth Dubrosky 44:15 (youngest finisher 8 years old)
8 Helen Cheung 32:40 20 Beth + 1 45:00
9 Chris Linn 34:13 21 Emily Hurley 49:09
10 Suzanne 34:35 22 Lauren Brown 49:09
11 Rob 34:35 23 Tammy Lee 49:09
12 Ryan Mitchell 34:35 24 Petra 49:09
13 Erik Johnson 34:40 25 Richard 49:45

I apologize for anybody who’s times I might have missed (Rob Kates, James Trainor, Ken Evans…). Timing races is obviously not my forté. There were many other participants whose names and times weren’t recorded (Dubrosky takes full responsibility).

Several folks had enough sense to take the forbidden drive shortcut back after mile 3 (Polly) and these times were not recorded here. I would estimate there were about 45 participants total.

Alex reports that Louis Secreto was first male winner and Polly Jansen was first female at the September 17 race. Further information might be forthcoming. “I have results somewhere, most likely bundled up in my backpack,” Alex noted in his field report. “I will look through my bag and find them.

Fall Series 4/4 Photos (Taken by The Great One)