The Wanderers are once again offering marathon training with expert coach David Pajer. This training program is open to absolutely everyone (not just Wanderers), and all abilities are welcome.

The first training session and sign-up will be held this Saturday, June 11, at the 8 am morning workout at Valley Green Inn in the Wissahickon. But runners can sign up throughout the summer at a prorated fee.

Last year, David and his wife Susan, provided a training program for marathon runners, and it was a big success. Eight participants finished their first marathon in the fall, and several others tuned up their marathon skills.

mea schiffDavid Pajer, who owns and runs a running store in Doylestown, has been coaching runners for more than 20 years. He adjusts his coaching to the particular abilities of each runner, and he is very supportive. Wanderers Mea Schiff and Floyd Glenn have trained with David for many years and attribute their running success to him.

“I have trained for and run the marathon five times in the last 25 years (all Philly). The last two times (2008 and 2010), I trained with David’s and Susan’s program and had my most successful and enjoyable marathon experiences in those cases.” says Floyd. “The first three times I trained on my own following programs in books and magazines and ended up with much more pain and injury. With their guidance, I think I was able to optimize the effectiveness of my training effort in a way that I couldn’t have done otherwise.”

Melanie Wright is another graduate of the 2010 marathon training class. Melanie had been trying to do a marathon for years, “but I could never do the training!” After participating in David’s training program last year, Melanie completed the 2010 Philadelphia Marathon.

“It is great to be part of a group because it motivates you to do the training when you don’t feel like running,” Melanie said. “This training program is really good for people with busy schedules because you get the training both on line and in person. It’s very flexible.”

David has a low-keyed style to coaching. “The training is truly for all different levels or runner,” Melanie said. “I think a lot of people get scared away from training thinking that they are not fast enough. But with David, you do not have to keep up with the faster people. You can go at the pace which is right for you.”

The program runs until November 20, which is the date of the Philadelphia Marathon. The cost for the coaching is $152 (prorated if you come in later in the program). David will supply a running daily running program for all runners, and this schedule is updated weekly. In addition to providing coaching in person, his website includes a blog to assist runners in various ways including core-training videos. David will also give nutritional tips. He will coach in person in the Wissahickon up to two times a month.

The program is also open to those who simply want to increase their mileage, or want to run in distance races, but not necessarily a marathon.

For more information, contact David at, or Dan Gordon.

For additional information check out David’s website here »

runners during one of last year's training sessions
Runners (and David) during one of last year’s training sessions.