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Recent Events, News and Other Stuff

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NOTE: all news and race reports AFTER MAY, 2008 can be found here »


2004 Event Title (date added)

Wanderers compete and help out in the Philadelphia Marathon (Nov '04)

Wanderers help to turn out the vote for the elections (Nov '04)

Susan Hurrey Competes in a Truly International Marathon (Oct '04)

Steamtown Marathon Report (Oct '04)

Strong Wanderer Performances At Distance Run (Sep '04)

3rd Annual Chestnut Hill Cross Country Race (incl. results for all 62 runners) (Sep '04)

Wanderers Compete in PA State BBQ Championship (Aug '04)

Second Track Meet - Aug 24th (Aug '04)

First Track Meet - Aug 17th (Aug '04)

Run For The Hill Of It (incl. photos) (Aug '04)

Wanderers Clean House at the Phil's Tavern 5K (Aug '04)

Wanderer Bikes A Century (Aug '04)

Wanderer Wins Primary! (Aug '04)

One Park, Four Corners, One Day (Aug '04)

Cape May Triathlon Report (by Lonestar) (Jul '04)

Olympic Distance No Match for Petra (Jul '04)

Eating for Endurance Cooking Classes (Jul '04)

Stephanie Needs Our Help! (Jun '04)

Wanderers Open Up Triathlon Season Impressively (Jun '04)

Wanderers grab honors at "Double Trouble (Jul '04)

Another Aquathon, Another Win for Wanderer Bernie Brosnan! (Jun '04)

Wanderers Prevail over Course and Weather at Cabot Trail (Jun '04)

Wanderers Bury Peak Performance at Broad Street Run (Apr '04)

Irish Joe Bags Number 300 (ReRun for Counter Revolution) (Apr '04)

Jennifer Martin Race Report (Ave of the Giants) (Apr '04)

Matt Palombaro’s Boston Marathon Diary (Apr '04)

Records Shattered at Chestnut Hill Relays (Apr '04)

Boston Marathon 2004: “Hot Enough For You?” (Apr '04)

Everyone a Winner at Just Run 5K (Apr '04)

Philadelphia Runners Can Now Vote With Feet (Apr '04)

Wanderers Open Season at Fighting Irish 5K (Mar '04)

Wanderers grab silver in Cystic Fibrosis Stair Climb (Feb '04)

Record Turnout for Bagel Run on February 1 (Feb '04)

Class Action Classic Report Finally Arrives (Feb '04)

Branca Reaches For The Skies (Feb '04)

Winter Masters Indoor Schedule (View PDF)


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